Monday 23 January 2012

Beautiful Grandad :)

Hi guys :)

So, its been forever, but whats a few weeks between friends? I have suddenly started feeling rubbish tonight, so I'll try to keep it short and sweet before I go and try and sleep off whatever it is I've caught.

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted a cardigan that my grandad has. Its about 30 years old, mustard colour, and he has said I can only have it when he is in a box. Lovely, I know. So, as he is going to outlive us all (regardless of his million and one health problems), I decided I was going to find a similar one to put up with until I can have it.

Now, I wasn't a huge fan of the Winter sales this year, as most shops started sales in like November, I picked up my bargains then. However, I was out shopping in York as my dad and sister had come up to visit, and we popped in to New Look to go and get my sister some new jeans. When, all of a sudden, my eyes caught a glimpse of mustard...

I found THE cardigan! It is literally a replica of it, the same style buttons (even though my grandad's cardigan buttons are wodden I think), the same colour. I fell in love with it. Even more so the price. Should have been £28.99 and I got it for £12!

So, here it is, plus a beautiful pic of my grandad, just so you can all see why I love him so much :)


I Paired the dress with an old flower dress, also New Look.

...And with my new brogues, Dorothy Perkins in the sale.

The main man himself. Mr Maurice Heslop, my amazing grandad <3

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